COVID-19 Measures

We are pleased to be re-opening our doors on the 17th May. To help us provide a safe environment for our customers and our staff we have introduced new hygiene measures, here are some things to note before your next visit:

Please do not arrive early (or indeed late) for your appointment, we have allocated correct timings to ensure complete sanitising of areas/equipment in-between each client.

Please come to your appointment alone, we cannot allow children in the spa at this time.

You will be required to wear a face-covering whilst you walk through the hotel to the spa. These will not be provided, please ensure you have your own.

You will be required to wear your face covering throughout your treatment unless its removal is required for the purpose of the treatment. Our therapist will also wear a face covering and visor throughout your treatment.

You will be asked to sanitise your hands on arrival to the main hotel and again when entering the R&R Spa.

You will be asked to share your details for our track and trace system- all data will be removed after 21 days.

Hot drink facilities are out of use, bottled water will be provided only.

And last of all, enjoy your long-awaited visit!

We cannot wait to welcome you back